ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
ISO 9001:2015 is the latest version of ISO 9001 certification. This standard stands for Quality Management Systems and was released in September 2015. These ISO standards have their main focus on organizations without considering the product size or various other factors. Quality management system basically depends upon customer requirements and their satisfaction. Thus these services mainly focus on the best possible results of quality management system. ISO standard 9001 2015 is the 5th edition of ISO 9001 standard. This certification standard in quality management system is defined as a set of processes, policies, and procedures. These factors are further required for execution of developed and well-planned service i.e. used to raise the business or an organization to a higher position.
The concept of QMS in ISO 9001 2015:
According to ISO 9001 certification of quality management services, it includes certain methods to improve the performance of the organization. The whole services of quality management come under certified licensed and system standards. Its advanced version has released with enhancing and improved qualities of services. ISO standards are already well established across worldwide ahead. The whole system of QMS is well structured and organized in such a way that can use for improvement of certain business and organizations. These steps of improvement can also be implemented in industries for their development. The whole of this process also includes documentation and well-organized structure. The step by step execution is the main aim of these standards. Management system plays an important role in all this process. As the improvement and changes are the processes that never stop, so a system is established to analyze or monitor the whole process going around. Audit defines the changes or implementation of new ideas as compared to previous one.
An important clause that comes with the standard of ISO 9001 2015 is:
- Leadership
- Context of the Organization
- Focus on Risk Management
- Awareness
- Support
- Planning
- Performance Assessment
These above clauses are followed while certification of any organization. The proper implementation of the above requirement of clauses is to be followed for growth and improvement of business or organizations. Every standard has its own principle which leads to follow for improvement or while monitoring of the process.
Some principles of ISO standard 9001 are discussed below:
- As the Customer satisfaction is the main focus of quality management services. The standards are implemented in such a way that customer requirement should be fulfilled.
- As we know, to implement or for monitoring leadership quality is necessary for all organizations.
- For the growth of organization involvement of staff and other people is also required.
- Quality management services involve the basic process of system approach to management.
- Regular improvement in organization or business with the help of audit or analyzing process is necessary.
- Decision-making quality should be there so that the management system can provide the realistic ideas for further improvement.
- There should be mutual understanding between supplier and customers.
- ISO standard should be used with certified and licensed documentation process.